Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:33

An Intro to Joseph Campbell (reflection) pt. 3

George Lucas commissioned him directly to help correlate and write the storyline structure of Star Wars, where we saw three basic principles of the hero's journey the call, the initiation, and the return. This same process has been cycled through every single major story, TV show or book or movie. Do you have ever been absolutely drawn to you? Go back 2000 years. In some of the earliest texts we've discovered, written in cunya form from ancient Samaria, follow this exact same storyline

@dobbsty "Individuation: The Heroes Journey."

So we just wanted to add that because there's other spaces that are talking about this that aren't necessarily spiritual and not necessarily mystic. Like in psychology, Carl Jung, he contributed the personalities and the archetypes and even diving into explaining psychologically, how does a human go through a hero's journey psychologically, not just spirituality. And that's really interesting because in these separate spaces, they're not saying different things, they're saying the same thing. So they just overlaid on top of one another
