Derek Pierre
@DerekPierre · 0:25

How Do You Use Swell?

Hey, everybody. So I have a super quick question. I'm gonna keep this one short and sweet. I would like to know, since you found swell, how do you use swell? One, how did you think you were gonna use swell? And then two, how are you actually using swell? Also, hello. For my son. He's coughing in the background. We're working through a cold, and I can't wait to hear your responses. Thank you
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 3:13
So I'm hoping to build the content in that premium swell space. And that's going to come. I'm putting some energy there slowly. So that was sort of my thought, that I wanted a place for my community members to join the cool ones
Derek Pierre
@DerekPierre · 2:13
Like, I think that time will come, but I think just like, even before, like, I found swell, I was looking for that new space, kind of like you were saying, like, kind of getting away from Facebook. And it wasn't that anything was wrong with other spaces, but I wanted something like, where I felt it was just a little bit more authentic, in essence, where people were really just kind of having real conversation
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 0:45


Oh, Derek, I'm not sure if I shared this before, but the stuff that I put on the premium swell are like, things that are a little bit more risque, maybe. Like, it's a little political. That, you know, I need a little shielding, as it were, is sort of how I'm defining that right now. Until I get a little braver. But I haven't really figured out fully how to explore the premium content
Marc Sander
@MarcS1971 · 0:38
Hi there. I'm using it in two ways, mostly to respond to prompts that interest me. There was one today that I saw that was, are we alone, the universe. So I had fun talking about that. But my main reason for joining was to talk about to read excerpts from my book, my memoirs, the driveway rolls. And it's about growing up with with autism and not being diagnosed and how I navigated relationships. So that's why I joined to promote that
