Danzel Watson
@dannywatson91 · 2:14

A frustrated chicago bears fan

I wish that some of the players on this team should be traded, and I wish that all Bear fans should go down a house hall in protest about the game and especially the last few games we've seen because it's been horseshit. It's been 100% horseshit. We should be three and five, at least with this type of putrid offense that we seen from this team. It is garbage. It is 100% garbage


phil spade
@Phil · 2:18

Has to be frustrating

Hey, Danny. Yep. What a weird game yesterday and the whole NIMS incident, I had no idea what was going on there, but, man, you got to cut this guy, right? I mean, you can't have that, and it just kind of shows you just how undisciplined plan or how much little control that Naggie actually has over the team. Maybe that's taking it too far, but that's kind of what I see
Howie Rubin
@Howie · 2:23
He may have a great head for offenses, but he falls apart in managing the game on the field, which to me, is key to winning the game. Phil and I have been fooling around with Swell for a long time, and we have talked about some of the things that we would like to see done in Swell, and one of them is to change squell into a really good talk radio kind of a format
