Dana Breeding
@coachdan · 2:38

How to build a healthy and fulfilling relationship

A healthy relationship involves open and honest conversations, active listening and the ability to express thoughts and feelings. Number two is trust and respect. Trust and respect form the foundation of a strong relationship. Both partners should trust each other's intentions and be able to rely on each other. Number three is support and encouragement. Partners should support each others goals and dreams and efforts. It's important to feel encouraged and uplifted by your partner. Number four is equality and boundaries

Eight principles on how to build a healthy relationship

Pritha Lal
@lifecoachPritha · 1:17

#lifecoach #Authenticity www.bethesequoia.com

Thank you so much for the invitation and such wonderful reminders about things that we don't often talk about or think about, but they are the building blocks of an effective and fulfilling relationship. And it doesn't have to be just partners. But even with co workers or your child or your parent, those principles are very universal. If I could add anything to it, and you probably that's an understated and unstated thing that probably in all of your all of the eight points is acceptance
