Chip 🔊
@Chipoffthecuff · 5:00

The world looks different

So of course I have these just magical memories about hunting different critters around the pond. Now this campground is located in a valley and it has numerous canyons, some wet, some always dry. One of my favorite canyons that is wet, it has some unique rock formations. One of the rock formations always looked like a man with a pig on his head. Don't ask me how, it just does. Now this was a working ranch, so we often world ride horses

#Horseback #sunset #coyotes #Mountain #Camping #trailriding #strangestuffyoufindinthedesert #fishing #Editorspick

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:42
Wow. I love your descriptions. They're so vivid. I feel like I'm there. I'm in that canyon looking at all these things really up close. And I've been always really afraid of horses. But I can understand how you might feel really connected to God when you're on one. It seems so free and so beautiful and crazy story also about this house. And thank God that they didn't shoot at you. My God. That would have been a good warning. Yes
Chip 🔊
@Chipoffthecuff · 0:14


Thank you so much for your kind response. It means so much to me that you world take your time to say such kind words
