Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:52

WWE NXT Vengence Day 2024-Results!

Hey swell. I am back from dinner and ready to give you your last topic of the day. It is WWE NXT Vengeance Day, the 2024 premium live event, the result of this event. The predictions are up on this forecast. If you have not seen them, or I guess I should say heard of them, the article I'm going to be using to talk about the results to give me reminders is coming from Excuse me

#WWE. #NXT. #PLE. #VengenceDay. #Results

Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 5:00

Part 2!

I don't remember too much about this match. This is kind of a mid match. Let me see if I can remember anything. I'm just going to read from the article a little bit. The family attacks OTM before the bell rings. Parker shoves Rizzo. Rizzo with a moi tiny strikes. This article goes into a lot of detail, so I'll try to get to the big stuff. Here we go. Lorenzo gets distracted by scripts. Parker knocks Lorenzo off the ring apron
Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:58

Part 3!

Anyways, she would come in and try to interfere with when Roxanne hit the pop rocks for the second time in the match. Now that she can with no DQ from the triple threat stipulation. Valkyria would then avoid the spinning heel kick, which is the Guanos Noches finisher from vice. Valkyria then plans vice with the Night witch to pick up the victory
Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:45

Part 4! (The Finish.)

And when Dragunov had the advantage, causing Carmelo, causing Trick to bump into the referee by accident, when the referee had his back turned looking at Carmelo, Trick would then hit his pump knee finisher. But the referee was knocked down and by the time they got a new referee, Dragunov was able to kick out. And then Dragunov would finish Trick with another one of his finishers. And finally it was over. One, two, three. Dragunov is still your NXT champion. He is hurt
