Bobby Dsouza
@bobbydsouza · 2:01

Mindset Matters: Redefining the Notions of Strong and Weak - Bobby Dsouza #growthmindset

When somebody shouts at him, that person becomes silent, and people consider that person weak. But here is my thought. If a person says that this person is strong, why does a strong person needs to basically be aggressive and dominate someone else to prove a point? In fact, why do you even have to prove a point? If you're strong, you'll be more confident within yourself, you'll be more secure within yourself, you'll be more peaceful within yourself

Explore strength from a fresh angle on Bobby Dsouza's podcast. Uncover the secrets of mental toughness and redefine strength ! #mindset #growthmindset

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:32
Absolutely. I think you've nailed it, Bobby. The strength does not lie in your muscular strength or the way you are shouting at people. Strength lies in your confidence, your mindset. It lies in that silence. It lies in your sensitivity. And, yes, we have to redefine the notion. Thank you so much. Bye
