Brian Foreman
@BKFOREMAN69 · 9:58


But my plan is to fill the area where the wood is supposed to go and then whatever's left outside stack alongside the house and be able to bring it in, because I'm really excited for this new adventure. I do live alone. I do have to try to maintain that. And as this continues to grow, I need to be healthier. And this will help me be healthier. Hauling wood, working gardens, got my chickens

#heat #minimalism #homestead #hobbyfarm

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:52
Hey, Brian. I'm really hoping and praying that you're feeling a lot better. And I know you want to be healthier, you said, but I hope you take it easy as well, too. Don't do too much, at least. I'm not trying to tell you what to do. I'm just hoping that as you do more on the farm, that it's not as strenuous for you
