Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 3:52

The Arts, trade and how we express our humanity

But then there is a part of this extremely sinister reality that a lot of our ancestors went through that was beautiful. And I think that was the art of it all. Even the art that decries the absolute horror, which was civilizations and cultures being wide out. So share your thoughts. Very curious to know what you feel about something of this sort

#AskSwell #SayItOnSwell #BSwell

Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 0:57

And because I'm a writer, we occasionally, you know, spam people with links. This particular link is a very comprehensive, nonfiction article showing direct influences of India on Japan and Japan on India specifically from an art at POV. And all of this happened exclusively because of the maritime Silk Road. We had significant trade connections amongst both these countries. Primarily, I believe, it's silk and religion. Or rather, silk and spirituality. Silk and spirituality


But although I sometimes learned to keep my mouth shut anyway, that idea of plants sharing lateral DNA, I think is like a beautiful example of just this humans beside humans sharing ideas, beliefs, et cetera. And again, you can't be unaffected by that. And so then you move whether it's a mile or two or whether it's thousands of miles, and those things go with you. And how amazing is that? How amazing is that?


By the way, I really liked that idea. That line in the beginning when you talked about art is humanity's way of filtering, expressing and compressing itself into a medium that's just really beautiful
