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Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:42

In conversation with Ashiish V Patil.

Hi everyone. Join my conversation with Ashish Vipatil on the 10 April 2024 at 07:00 p.m. Ashish Vipatil is a writer, producer and director. He is the former CEO of MTV India and ex CEO of youth Films, talent brand partnerships and digital originals. At Yashiraj Films, he runs especial, a content hotshop. He is also the author of a children's book titled Goldie Boy and the Three Apes, which was published by HarperCollins in 2023

#swellinterview #authorinterview #indiaspotlight @AshiishVPatil

Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:17

In conversation with Ashiish V Patil @AshiishVPatil #swellinterview #authorinterview #indiaspotlight

Hi, everyone. So, who's ready to be a part of an engaging and interesting conversation? Well, I am. So now, I welcome Mr. Ashishri Patil. Welcome, sir. I hope you are having a good time and I hope we can have a fruitful conversation today
Ashiish V Patil
@AshiishVPatil · 0:06


Hi. Hi, Malalika. And hi, everyone. Hello to all your listeners. Thank you for inviting me to do this
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:18

Q1. In conversation with Ashiish V Patil #swellinterview #authorinterview #indiaspotlight @AshiishVPatil

Alright, sir. So let's start with the interview. So sir, my first question for you would be how did your experiences as a CEO of MTV India and Yashraj films influence your approaching to writing, producing and directing? I'm pretty sure there must be some influence
Ashiish V Patil
@AshiishVPatil · 2:17


So I think using them smarter, using them better, thinking big, thinking scale, those are learnings that came to me from YRF and that influenced my storytelling
Ashiish V Patil
@AshiishVPatil · 0:05
Hi. Please tell me. Vinalika. Go ahead and ask. Tell me how I can help
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:50

Q2. In conversation with Ashiish V Patil #swellinterview #authorinterview #indiaspotlight @AshiishVPatil

I'm so sorry. Actually, whenever I interview someone, I say sir or ma'am, though. Moses, Nikoli. Jata. It's okay. I'll address you with Ashish. So, Ashish, I think that you are absolutely right. First of all, whenever we don't have money or wherever we are in, we are at. .0 I think at that point of time, curiosity prevails. You start basically thinking about new ventures. You start doing creative things
Ashiish V Patil
@AshiishVPatil · 1:32


So advertising, and that is where content comes in, because people are consuming content like mad, right? I mean, it's become essential today, not just for success. It has become critical for survival. And that is its significance and importance in today's marketing landscape. And which is why, you know, I think I went into finding a way to bring some structure and a process into teaching people how to do that across on the marketing side, on the creator side, and more
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 1:26

Q3. In conversation with Ashiish V Patil #swellinterview #authorinterview #indiaspotlight @AshiishVPatil

So could you basically share a key insight or strategy from your book that you believe is crucial for the marketers to grasp in order to succeed in the era of information overload? Because we all know information overload, people don't know how to manage their time. People are always on their phone information and then they are not able to process it. So I would be really glad if you can share some key insight or strategies from your book
Ashiish V Patil
@AshiishVPatil · 2:35


I have seen that consistently happen across categories, and I think that is one of the key things that my new book, branded content boss, underlines and explains in a lot of detail with a lot of analogies, a lot of examples, a lot of case studies, and in a very simple how to now do that, now that you realize the importance of this, that's essentially what I would leave as a thought with marketeers in this crazy era of information overload
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 1:55

Q4. In conversation with Ashiish V Patil #swellinterview #authorinterview #indiaspotlight @AshiishVPatil

They are in, they are on every, each and every social media platform. And every day they post one thing or the other. So people change their mindset, do change. And I think at this point of time, social media, branded content marketing and all these things have, you know, have become such a huge part of our life that we cannot segregate ourselves from these things
Ashiish V Patil
@AshiishVPatil · 1:42


I think this generation is so sorted, it's so smart. I mean, they're exposed to so much content. There's 500 hours of content being uploaded every minute on YouTube alone, Instagram, Facebook, x. And the minute anyone is faking something, you know, like those scripted reality shows, Bechara, that whole narrative comes in, or these fake social experiments with actors, I mean, the audience is too smart. They will call you out. I mean, think about this
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 1:08

Q5. In conversation with Ashiish V Patil #swellinterview #authorinterview #indiaspotlight @AshiishVPatil

Yes indeed. And I believe that at this point of time everybody is so much engrossed and indulged into the rat race. First Ranai chai Hamari Quality Jesse b o m Joe market Kara Jaisa biho sami Karthi Ranai market whenever you try to do something authentic that leads to creativity which authentic karaoke that will eventually lead to something creative, right. Creative outlet hoga because that is true. Yes. People are at this point of time aware about what is right and what is wrong
Ashiish V Patil
@AshiishVPatil · 3:41


I think for anyone starting out on the journey of branded content, I think what I would probably tell them is, one know who you are and who you are not. You know, be very clear about your own personal brand attributes, personalities. Don't try to become or try to be something you're not. Because moment marketing pressure may, you know, the most unlikely people start doing behaving weirdly. I mean, suddenly they're doing dance challenges
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:43

In conversation with Ashiish V Patil #swellinterview #authorinterview #indiaspotlight @AshiishVPatil

And I'm really happy that I got to know about so many things about how to be creative, how to be authentic, authentic, and how to just start. So, again, thank you so much for being a part of this conversation, and I really hope that we can have future interviews and conversations as well. Thank you
