Balaji Vittal
@BalajiVittal · 8:21

Mumbai: Meri Muse - How Mumbai Writes my Stories

And in those pre metro days, MuMBAI local train network allowed you to travel through the heart of the city at 50, even during peak hours, at rates that the common man could still afford. During my visits I picked up a few terminologies. An auto rickshaw is simply called a rickshaw. A five story building, I learnt, is called a Pach Mala Makan, not Manzil

Every city has an energy and character. How does the topography and spirit of Mumbai influence and inspire?

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:46
Mumbai does have some very typical characteristics that set it apart from the other cities. And every time I land in Mumbai the first thing I am accosted with is the smell in the air, the smell of fish with the dampness. And then you look at these beautiful buildings which are corroded with the dampness and yet look elegant. So yes, Bombay does have its stories. Thanks for sharing your story. Take care. Bye
Balaji Vittal
@BalajiVittal · 0:26


You. Thank you so much. Game changer for your feedback. And, yes, absolutely, the smell of fish, the smell of dampness. Every city has its own character, and that's what makes every city unique. Thanks for your feedback. Thanks for listening. Really appreciate your time and let's keep in touch. Thank you so much
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:03


Most welcome. Have a good day. Bye
Kavya .
@Kavya13 · 0:45
Hello, Balaji. And I just finished listening to your captivating swell and literally it's what a fascinating exploration of the heartbeat of the city. And your vivid description painted a vibrant picture of Mumbai's diverse landscape, from the bustling streets to the tranquil coastline. And I could almost feel the energy of the city through your words and the way you connected the topography of the spirit was truly insightful and I'm looking forward to more such swells that unravel the unique stories hidden within the geography of the city
Balaji Vittal
@BalajiVittal · 0:20


Thank you so much, Kavya, for your kind words. Thanks for listening, and I'll try to share as many of my insights and experiences as often as possible with all of you. Thank you so much, Kavya. Have a great day
