Michael Raper
@armyprof · 4:00

Lessons from fatherhood: changing from authority figure to life coach.

And she would ask me about advice on all kinds of things, like how to balance a budget, how to pick a new car, how to handle a roommate that was giving her kind of a hard time. She wasn't used to all these different things. And I think at some point, parents, I think especially dads with daughters, at some point have to realize, my little girl is no longer my little girl

#parenting #fatherhood #adult kids

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:57
I love this. I feel like maybe this is something that I'm experiencing with my father at the moment, too. And. Yeah, feeling him talking to me differently and also me talking to him differently feels kind of liberating on my end. And like we're forming a new, not forming a new relationship, but entering the new phase of our relationship as father and daughter. And it's good. It feels good. It feels natural, like you said
Ava K
@Learningtobeme · 4:24
It's about them understanding and realizing, especially when they're questioning why does my kid stays away from me, doesn't talk. It's probably you have to look into yourself how you as a parent are towards them. Are you actually being a parent to help them grow? Or are you being a parent just because this is how your parents were to you?
