Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:54

Story time: I respect the male voice, because a man saved my life

And there are many methods to do that, including violence, but also verbally, financially, sexually, all kinds of ways. So I didn't know that I was in an abusive relationship. Although I noticed changes in myself, I still couldn't quite put my finger on it. I did think that my fiance at the time was jealous. I did think, you know, he wanted me all to himself. But I never would have thought it was violent or considered power and control


Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:03
So we definitely don't want to make abuse in any form the center of our lives, but we do want to amplify the voices of the men who are positive. We do want to speak more life into existence instead of the negatives about each other all the time. So thank you once again for this. Well, and I'm so, so glad that your life was spared and saved by someone who cared. So thank you again
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:33


And men can say they're good men, they could say they're strong men all they want to, but some women just don't want to hear it. And so as a woman, I wanted to say it, and I wanted to share this story in particular because here was a relation. Here's a story where you have one man who was abusive, right. And yet you have another man that was kind and caring and saved my life
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Balah M.
@Balah · 3:09
As we speak to each other, because I know more females with more of a man stance, meaning a man mindset, than the male. The male is more caught up in a woman in a child mindset. So it's nine times out of ten, when you meet the average guy on the street, you just like you. You. You really meet another child. It's like you getting ready to raise someone based on their upbringing
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:26


But certain times during the week, I do see certain things pop up. And a lot of these podcasters, it's like they hate women so much, is to the point where I'm like, I hope you're not considering dating them, because with that mindset, you know, if you see every woman as a gold digger and that every woman don't age very well
