Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 5:03

Episode 3 | The Anisha Perspective | Biased Brain

For example, in a business meeting or a business setup, the product is the key, is the main thing. But if you need to sell the product, it's not only enough that you talk about the features of the product, but there goes a great detail of storytelling, SEO, copywriting, and being able to sell your product by relating it to other people and telling them exactly as to why they need that product so much

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Himanshi Thakur
@GreyMatter · 1:51
Hello. Hi Anisha. Good evening. Thank you for inviting me to this wonderful podcast series, mind your mind from you. And I like this well cast episode three, biased brain. You know, a lot of times the emotions to get the best of us and, and brings in the inconsistency in our personality. So it is all about bringing in that emotional stability to balance out. And I completely agree that your personality is the core of your existence. Right?
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:55


Himanshi, thank you for your kind words on my swell, and I'm really glad it provided you with some good value. Yes, this insight is not something that I have since. It's not something that has been there with me pretty recently, but this has been through me, through different life experiences and from different situations and different people. So my collective insight is what I'm putting out on these podcasts. So definitely do invite other people and let them know how wonderful this podcast is
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:17
You. I really loved this when you said that, you know, key is to remain balanced, you know, never lose sight of your personality, and that is what really matters. And thank you so much for sharing this with us. Have a lovely day. Bye
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:29


Thank you so much, Ranjana Kamo, I'm really happy that this particular line made a lot of sense to you. That is the key to a balanced act, is to always have a nice, shiny personality. And I really do hope you react to more of myself and invite more people to listen to this amazing well and all these insights that I have to offer. Thank you so much, Ranjana
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:09
Thank you, Anisha. Definitely. I would try to support as much as I can. Thank you. Bye
