Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 5:00

My perspective on Uniform Civil Code in India

And in the sharia law, an unilateral divorce is possible without it being applicable to the woman and it doesn't really benefit the woman as such. So the problem with this entire concept of sharia law is that in case a woman is divorced post divorce, the woman doesn't get any kind of maintenance and it also permits polygamy, thereby putting it above the current law because the indian law regulates marriages in case of a monogamy and has no regulations as of now regarding polygamy

#UCCIndia #IndiaPerspectives #spsinpe1 #Perspective #india #ucc

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:41


And I'm glad that somebody thought about it and is trying to put it in place. And I think it's a welcome move and it should be done. Thank you so much. Bye
