Andrea Learned
@Andrea_Climate · 3:31

#Sports #Athletes #ClimateInfluence - Being seen leading in Spain.

You. Hi, swell friends. It's been a while. My world, my work, just stuff happening with me in really fun and wonderful ways has gotten very busy and so I'm on here a little bit less often. But one of the things I'm so excited about is that I've recently made an incredible connection with a community of journalists who write about sports all across the world, probably mainly North America and the EU

Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:45
He puts himself out there and says and does things that 99.9% of footballers shy away from and deliberately shy away from because of the, like you mentioned, trolls or any sort of talking points that are going to be thrown their way, any sort of criticism that's going to be thrown their way, that sort of thing. A lot of times for footballers is just the biggest taboo there is. They want to focus on the game and the game alone. Hector is not one of those people
Taylor J
@Taylor · 0:27
And I just wanted to add, I know I already said that he came and he hung out with us at the pub and how great that was, but not only did he hang out with us, he took the time out of his day to really connect with each person that was there, one on one. And I'm sharing a photo here of him facetiming my brother's boyfriend. He just asked if he would, and he was willing to
Andrea Learned
@Andrea_Climate · 3:54

@Taylor #Sports #ClimateInfluence

And if that, as you're representing and reflecting here, and that's the funny thing, I am not a football soccer fan at all. And that's why it's so interesting. Once I got into the sports and sustainability kind of conversation, and everyone, a lot more people in this current conversation we're having are from the EU, and they're just all like, do you know this cricket player? Do you know this footballer?
