Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 4:14

Winter Solstice Reading

Hello, everyone. Happy holidays. The Celtic Wheel of the Year has turned to Yule. We just celebrated Winter Solstice, which is honoring the longest night of the year. And in the pagan traditions, this was celebrated, celebrated with food, being in nature, being with family, singing, creating our Eulogue, and it was then adopted by the Christians and celebrated as what we know as Christmas. And I read that it says that both traditions celebrate the birth of a son

#embodiedcardreading #wintersolstice #yule #celticwheeloftheyear #holidays #ritual #newmoon #capricorn

Aria Sparrowsong
@TarotandStars · 3:21
Hi. I absolutely loved your reading. I thought it was beautiful. The Druidcraft Tarot is one of my favorites. I'm not familiar with the goddess oracle, but I do have that other one, the one where you pulled the winter card. I'm really digging this platform. I haven't had a lot of time to explore on it the past couple of weeks, but I definitely want to use it more and maybe for doing readings or doing little encapsulated forecasts of astrological events or Tarot card poles
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:57
Hi, Chelsea. This is so interesting to listen to. I know very little about Tarot, but it's really fun to sort of learn by listening to your readings and to talk about it. I'm curious about the different decks that you're pulling from. Is there, like, a purpose to each of them? Is do you just kind of choose based on how you're feeling or your intuition? I'd love to know more about that, but super cool
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 1:31


Hi. Thank you so much for listening, and I'm so glad that you enjoyed the reading. Yes, I love the Druid craft. I'm still learning more about Druids, and it's just it's a beautiful deck. And the angels and ancestors is the deck from Winter by Kyle Gray from the Winter Card. Yes, that's one of my favorites. And the goddess deck is by Doreen Virtue. I don't know if you've heard of her
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 2:19


Hi, Ro. Thanks for responding. I'm so glad you liked it. And I really appreciate the question that you asked. And I probably should do a whole other swell on this, but briefly, yes, I have a bunch of different decks. I have some Tarot decks which are very specific. It's the tarot. And everyone has different versions of the Tarot, different themes of the Tarot. Like the Druid craft is what I use
Damon Stang
@NightWalk · 2:16

Jist joined swell and really enjoyed listening to this reading from the Winter Soltice

And I listened to the responses that you had on your posts and they were also astute and open hearted and beautiful. So I suppose I have not posted anything yet on this platform, so I have no real foundation on which I stand on this platform yet. But it is just so inspiring to find a social media platform that is cerebral and allows for conversations of spirituality. Loved your reading, loved hearing all the responses and your responses
