Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 1:48

How Do You Allow the Sun? With Maria Macsay

And she was my favorite teacher there. And when I first started three and was a little nervous, but Maria was just so welcoming and an excellent facilitator. I started to follow her on social media, was taking some of her yoga classes and had the pleasure of being a part of her food and body freedom group coaching program that I really learned so much from and continue to think about and use today. Maria is a powerful healer guide and just such an inspiration to so many people

#howdoyouallowthesun @mariamacsay

Maria Macsay
@mariamacsay · 2:04
And as far as how do I share my unique light or bring that into the world, I really had to sit with that question for a moment. And I feel like the way that I do it best is by coming into still illness with myself daily, taking time to get to know myself, to reflect whether it's in journaling or meditation or movement and also in the moments of nature like breath, body beingness and whatever expression of light comes through from that
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 1:55

Yes. Thank you, Maria. Just even your calming voice, I felt my nervous system calm down. It's been a long day for me, and just hearing your responses really put me back in my body and was like, yeah, when have I checked in with my body today? I really liked you said body talk. I'm like, oh, I want to explore that. What is that?
Maria Macsay
@mariamacsay · 2:26


I love the imagery that you're making space for here. It's a great question. And I think the time that comes up just right off the bat and if I'm going to go with that, is recalling a break up I went through in my twenties and just how excruciating I remember feeling just that grief, the grief, the worry, the regret, the confusion, self doubt and the spirals that I was going through
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 2:10
I just wanted to take a breath. Maria, thank you so much for sharing about this experience for you and the process. Right. You said the process and yeah, when you're in it, you can't really know it's not till the time has passed. And I really thought that was beautiful, like, that you really needed that sundown. That that the year, you know, it can it could take as long as you want. And that it brought up yeah
Maria Macsay
@mariamacsay · 2:18


Okay, how do I allow the sun? For me, it's a process of getting present to what's good in my life. Sometimes I think the concept of gratitude practices or journaling can become a bit trite for some people. And yet I do see that that's one of the portals for me in a big way. Having appreciation and being awake to the blessings and the beauty of life and the opportunity and all the resources that I have. So that would be one
Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 2:06

So thank you, Maria, for allowing me to feel my best, most expressive self. I just I love everything that you do and put out in the world. And I really, really appreciate you coming on here and chatting with me. And I hope that folks feel free to respond on here, ask any questions. Maria has amazing offers as well
