bob dennis
@Urbanlegends · 3:47

The Reincarnations of General Patton

Of Tyree and Hannibal of Carthage, whose brutal tactics enforced loyalty among his troops and power over his enemies as a Roman legionnaire under Julius Caesar, who served in Gaul, which is present day France and Luxembourg and Belgium and most of Switzerland as well as parts of northern Italy and parts of the Netherlands and Germany

#GeneralPatton #reincarnations #military #history #mammoth #Greek #Persians #soldier #AlexandertheGreat #Tyre #Hannibal #Carthage #Roman #Caesar #

Amy Pendle
@Blind_Profit · 1:04
And maybe that's being remembered in the bowels of history. And so that which he did. Hopefully he is resting in peace in the current cemetery. But maybe we'll find out if someone comes back and says no, I've been General Patton before. Maybe it'll be 20, 117. Who knows? Thank you. This has been an interesting story
