lashonda walton
@Trap_Formation7 · 5:00

Siblings and understanding

I don't know if some of those children were born with just like jealous spirits or just evil spirits and things like that, but I always had trouble getting along with my father's children. And it's funny because if I go back and reflect over time, my aunts never got along. On my dad's side, I don't have any aunts on my mother's side, but on my dad's side, my aunts never got along. It was always drama, it was always beef

In life sometimes you have to let go for real and let God I promise you it work

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:57
We're going to start anew or I'm going to start new for myself if the rest of the family doesn't want to buy in. I completely understand where you are coming from, and kudos to you for extending the olive branch. One, recognizing all of the variables that contribute to or possibly contribute to the dynamic and then saying, hey, I want to know. I have humble curiosity, and I really want these relationships to work
