Tim Ereneta
@Tim · 3:23

Short Skirt/Long Jacket 🎵

We'll start to talk when she parrots my pen. She wants a car with the cup holder armrest. She wants a car that will get her there. She's changing her name from Kitty to Karen. She is trading her Mg for a white Chrysler, the Baron with a short skirt and a long jacket

🧥 "with fingernails that shine like justice" 🎸 #sing #singing #cover #karaoke #singasong - a song by the band Cake from 2001

Zara Lisbon
@ZLisbon · 0:35
This is so fun and funny. I've always loved this song. And hearing it again for the first time in a while. I love the lyrics. I love being reminded of the lyrics. And this is just so much fun as a swell topic is like just karaoke, like getting on here and goofing around and there should be a karaoke night on Swell or something like that. Anyway, thank you for sharing. Very fun. Ten out of ten
Darrisha Daniel
@Dee94 · 0:16
Yes, I definitely agree. Zara karaoke night would be fun on Swell. We can start that. But also very fun song. I always loved it. Thanks Tim. But a little shine into my night. Thanks
