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Finding joy finishing one πŸ“– at a time. Reads by @bowie Let's talk books & more books!

Bowie Rowan
@bowieΒ Β·Β 4:18

Romance writer fakes death to stop addiction πŸ‘€ Should writers have to pay-to-play?

This is all to say, I think it's interesting that this article loops kind of the biggest pitfalls in what I see in the writing community around money, mental health, and also what can go wrong in community when it's not supportive but can become a place of bullying and where feedback can turn mean. And I'm curious what you think about all of this, the writers and readers out there

#mentalhealth #mentalwellness #writingcommunity #writers #askafailure https://s.swell.life/STT9YY6x6Uu48ex


I'm torn on the topic of pay to play versus more resources because I think that there are probably a lot of potential writers, authors out there that we don't have access to as readers because they simply don't have the resources. And it kind of makes me think of how many, let's say, rocket scientists or whatever are out there, but because they didn't have access to money and couldn't attend college and university and so on, that we don't have access to
