Laura Monk
@ThriveLauraMonk · 5:00

The Art of Letting Go

You. Hello, Thrivers. This is Laura Monk with Thrive Therapy and Counseling. And in this podcast today, I wanted to talk about letting go. And this has been something that has been very hard for me in my past, and I've actually been reading up a lot about it and practicing it a lot more in these past few years. And I have to tell you from personal experience that this is incredibly important to know about

🌱 Laura talks about the art of letting go. (Part 1 of 2) #swell #mentalhealth #letgo

Laura Monk
@ThriveLauraMonk · 5:00

👉🏻 Continued (Part 2 of 2)

Right now remember that rejection is redirection and protection. Rejection is redirection and protection. We can't possibly know if something is truly meant for us. Let go of what you think is best for you and instead have faith that what is meant for you will show up. So when trying to let go of things, ask yourself these questions what does holding on to this do for me? Does it help or does it hurt? Who? Does it hurt me? Them? Both of us?
Brian Foreman
@BKFOREMAN69 · 4:24
And in a few days, I'm going all in, literally on a homestead. And hopefully I'll be 54 shortly. Hopefully by the time I'm 60, it'll be all set. And that's one of the big things I've let go on, is what age expectations should be. When think about it. When I was 25, 30 years old, I looked at someone as 60 as, d***, they're old, they're near retirement
Laura Monk
@ThriveLauraMonk · 2:21


Expectations, because that is a huge catalyst and driver for most people, is to follow what society says is quote unquote, right or wrong. And there's many versions of right. Not everyone's version of right is going to work for all people, and we need to not be put into a box like that. So I'm very happy for you with your homestead and realizing that your version of happiness doesn't have to look like the quintessential version that society puts upon us
