T Michelle
@Teatime · 4:08

Fasting = Irritable

But I'm finding that it's made me irritable and a little more snappy, which is not like me. It is not in my personality, it is not who I am. And I've just found myself afterwards just catching myself and saying, why did you do that? What is going on? And I didn't realize that that 3 hours, just 3 hours, could really make a difference in how we navigate through the world, how we interact with others, how we even perceive ourselves

#Fasting #Health #Irritable

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:22
So, yeah, maybe it just takes some getting used to, but I'm also a believer in listening to your body and maybe if it doesn't make you feel good after a certain point in which you feel like you should have gotten used to it already, maybe that's a sign as well. Just as much of a sign not watching as much TV and feeling really good about it. But yeah, I don't know
