Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:15

Elon Musk purchases Twitter for $44 billion

I would not be surprised if on the Musk version of Twitter there's some serious Union busting that's going on, but only time will tell. I wanted to post this well, mostly to just break the news to everybody because I don't think I've seen a swell about it yet. But also let me know what you think about this, what you think the implications might be. It's a weird one

#twitter #tech #tesla https://s.swell.life/ST43EbZQGZfSyog

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:25


Bloomberg just announced that Twitter is locking down all product updates after this has occurred so that it makes it hard for employees to mess around, to make unauthorized changes to the platform. This is a really sad day for us. We don't have the power anymore to control what we used to call monopolies, because monopolies now are just one guy with lots of money, and it's a really super sad day. I think there's nothing that's good that's going to come out of this
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 2:23

Is this the beginning of the end for Twitter?

It's just like I don't want or need any more of him or Trump news in my life and I feel like that is 90% of what I've been getting recently. And to think about how this purchase impacts or potentially changes the course of what Twitter has been or was is really interesting and a little scary for many of the reasons that Deb points out. I'm curious to see what happens with it next
Trey Hanawalt
@Loststaterecs · 2:14

#Anticapitalist #prounion #tesla

But yeah, bad news, bad news. I hope he doesn't buy it. I hope it doesn't go through. Also, Twitter is just a dumpster fire, in my opinion. I deleted my Twitter a while ago. It's just really not the best place I feel. And as far as people's mental health, I think it really plays into the narrative of people thinking they need to be relevant constantly. And I just don't think that's good
Greg Dickson
@ElasticBD · 1:20

Public’s versus private

I think it's really interesting that a guy that's made his money from the public stock exchange wants to use the money he's made from his businesses that have gone public to buy a business that was public and take it private. And the owner, you're in control. You can do what you want and people take it or leave it. So I think it's going to be really interesting to see how Twitter evolves if it turns into a right wing mouth organ for the right wing extremist
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:55
And I am saying this from the Indian perspective, I'm not even going to comment on the most popular names that got banned around the world. But in India, we saw actual lynchings happen because of two platforms, Twitter and WhatsApp right? And the mechanism behind that was some of these bot accounts took photographs of very random people and put very communal texts to it. And I really hate that these texts work on the population of India. But then that's the climate of the country
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:51


And then I listened to you and I was like, gosh, it's really healthy to have that elasticity of thought. First of all, thank you for that inspiration. But second of all, I never heard of those horrible events of taking random people and connecting them to comments and the resulting lynching. That sounds terrifying. And the bad actors are always going to be in the shadows, coming out into the light with these kinds of platforms
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:04

@DBPardes news: https://bit.ly/3vdvQ25 standup: https://youtu.be/k0ov9wAElEg

They know about the bots and they know about the misinformation, all of that. And we had a lot of communal incidents happen because of it. So our Supreme Court summoned these people that you have to come here. They didn't respond. So they legally summoned the Twitter and the Facebook. At that point, Facebook had in India, and even they didn't show up. So it's a big problem
phil spade
@Phil · 3:28

Overreactions and Concerns @Liammm brought up

And I think Musk will run into that. Musk is a big idea guy. And then when you get into the execution of that, you've seen that in the Tesla. You've seen that in the production issues that they've had. What a window that doesn't roll all the way up looks like on Twitter remains yet to be seen. But you are going to have those moments. It's just going to be easier said than done to make changes on a platform this big
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:26


How much of the intent behind Elon Musk's take over in terms of assuring free speech and open source system, et cetera, can really impact Indian user base literature in India is something that we'll have to wait and watch. And anyway, freedom of speech is a matter of contention of late and that's the elephant in the room. So we'll need to really see how much of the Twitterati enjoys this newfound freedom thanks to Musk
Professor Z
@Professor42 · 2:39

Market Manipulation ?! Congress? Public Offiicials?

Now, also, before I do go into this, I want to let you know that this is from a perspective, somebody who hated Elon Musk. I'll say that again, I hated Elon Musk. Anybody who liked Elon Musk, I was very much against them. There's a couple of things that changed that, which I won't go into. But just take that in mind when you're listening to this. Let's start off with market manipulation
Professor Z
@Professor42 · 4:20

Twitter itself

And it's actually surprising that they're above Twitter. But it just goes to show you how much Twitter is on its client. Number one, Facebook, two, YouTube, three, WhatsApp? Four, Instagram, five, WeChat, six, TikTok, seven, Facebook Messenger. Eight. I can't even pronounce the name Dying. It seems to be a Chinese sort of social media platform. Nine, Snapchat, ten, another Chinese platform. 1112 are also Chinese platforms
phil spade
@Phil · 2:11

@Professor42 Insider Trading vs Manipulation

I thought the SEC had a right to sue them. I didn't like that. I don't like any kind a situation where that might become prevalent. But mainly I just wanted to come on here and say I don't like either one of these situations. I'm against insider trading and stock manipulation and realize that it happens
Jomarie Almeus
@jomariexann · 1:26
I feel like free speech would just not be a thing anymore because the owners of these platforms are going to be billionaires. And obviously billionaires are going to have self interest and they will do everything in their power to keep these companies fulfilling yourself interests. I feel like it is unstoppable for a common person to really prevent this from happening. Billionaires have like, power we just do not know about personally
@Marteen · 1:19
Hi, Taylor J. Yes, Cassie. I have also made a spell on this particular topic. Not exactly this particular topic, but I've made that on Waltz Richard person and he is the world's richest person with $269.7 billion. Basically, it's a net worth of them. And he already owns Manning company like Neuralink apprenticeship company, Tesla PayPal, the boring company SpaceX. Everyone knows about it. And of course, he's going to be purchased Twitter for $44 billion
