Oraida Levi
@TalkswithOraida · 4:43

The approach of communication- clearing my drafts this happened months ago in 2022

And this is more on the romantic side of communication, you know, nine times out of ten, depending how the conversation goes between me and the other party and how the person expresses themselves, is going to give me the sufficient information of whether or not I will entertain the thought of even meeting up with this person. Modern dating is pretty much trash for me and it's because I feel like it's draining to the extent of getting to know a new person


Cheryle Kay
@Cher · 4:45

#predators #sexualpredators #intuition #beaitifulwomen #respect #wisdom

In truth, I just want to really acknowledge you for being fully transparent and not feeling pressured when someone's wanting to fly all the way out to see you, to waste your time. You just knew. I love that you were quick to just know it was a no
