The Swell Team
@Swell · 0:36

Thank you all the wonderful Swellcasters for their submissions during #WorkAdvice week!

You're. Happy Monday, everybody. This is Taylor coming at you with another thank you to the wonderful Swell community for contributing to this past hashtag event that we did here on Swell. Hashtag workadvice week was excellent. And as somebody that is always looking for ways to maybe strengthen the tools in my arsenal when it comes to work life, I definitely benefited from it. I wanted to again, thank everybody for participating, but also share some of my favorite hashtag workadvice swells here with all of you

Another successful Hashtag Event in the books! Here are some of my favorite submissions from the week.

The Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15 @xtinawaffles

Christina Waffles did an excellent post about work life balance trying to find yourself while adapting to work environments and understanding that sometimes it's okay to take a breather. I really loved this post, and I think all of you will too
The Swell Team
@Swell · 0:14


Speaker. DS also did an excellent post about how to take care of yourself and others within a work environment. Learning new skills, networking opportunities. These can often come through helping others achieve their goals. What a wonderful post
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

The Swell Team
@Swell · 0:24


And last but not least, Tanya Cole's. Wonderful work from home advice. With so many people working from home after the pandemic began, this is always some advice that I think is welcome. Many of us still work from home. Tanya, another wonderful example for me to follow. And also, it's a reminder that I need to get up and move throughout the day. Thanks for the post
