Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 4:17

What G you are clinging onto

Hi, everyone. A very good morning to all of you. You know, today I have decided to talk about a very important and significant letter that plays a very pivotal role in a human life. Should I say, when I think of the very word chi, the very first thing that comes to my mind is, God almighty, the universe that has created me. Then I even think of what I am gravitating towards, you know, in my life
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 1:14
Thank you so much, Swati, for this beautiful swell this morning. And it makes you think of so many things that, you know, the G's that we are clinging to. I mean, the G's that I instantly think about is G for God and G for gratitude. I think those two G's top my list, and I wouldn't want to give it up at all because, gee, God, he's the anchor for
Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 1:40


And there's no other virtue that can come as close to gratitude. Because if you are not being grateful, if you are not being thankful to the smallest of those things that God has showered upon you, I don't think you can grow anywhere in your life, no matter how well you can accomplish your task, no matter how much you achieve materialistically or physically or spiritually
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:24


You're most welcome, Swati. It was a wonderful post, and I couldn't help myself from sharing my perspectives also. And it is so good that, you know, our thoughts resonate with each other. And that's the beauty of it. And I know, I must add, that great minds always think alike. So take care. Have a lovely weekend. Bye
