sukirti chand
@sukirti666 · 1:40

Is climate change already irreversible?

While the effects of human activities on earth climate to date is reversible on the timescale of human life today every little bit of avoided future temperature increases in the island warming that would otherwise exist for essential forever. The benefits of reduced greenhouse emissions occur on the same times case as the political decisions that lead to those reductions

Humans have caused major climate changes to happen already, and we have set in motion more changes still. However, if we stopped emitting greenhouse g

Aayan B
@aayanisms · 0:01


Lost Millennial
@voiceprojekt · 1:43
Also I think Earth is capable enough to heal itself in the right time if human activities stop, if not reduces. Earth has seen so many actually ice ages. So that is what I believe that yes, it is reversible. But it's going to take a lot of time. Maybe in the human field it's like generations and generations, probably thousands of years. But yes, it is reversible. That's what I believe in
shafali anand
@shafali · 2:22
Although the temperatures which have already risen, they are going to stay at their current levels or the levels at which they stabilize. So what we are seeing here is that we will experience at least one third of the world's glaciers melting. As the glaciers melt, ocean levels are going to rise. As ocean levels rise, some part of the land may get submerged. And of course, a lot of different species are going to disappear
