Spencer Blye
@stb121 · 4:39


I'm going to watch some golf. Interestingly enough, a lot of my friends felt similarly. So out of boredom, out of wanting something to do, out of all being competitive in junk sports, what we did was we created a pool for every golf tournament just to make it a little more interesting and engaging. And just so we had something to do during the weekends when we are all locked up inside. Now, as I mentioned at the top of this note, I've always loved golf


Indy Rishi Singh
@MysticScientist · 0:30
This is awesome. I got a question for you. Do you or anyone you know that plays golf, practice, practice meditation or yoga? Like, does anybody have a practice of meditation and yoga and how does it impact their game? I always thought about that. I'm really good at sports and I pick a sports, but I haven't got into golf yet. But I would love to learn more. If that's even a neat
Spencer Blye
@stb121 · 1:45
And even as an amateur and someone who plays for fun like you just try and brush off the bad shots and think about the good ones. And if you think about the good ones, chances are you're going to be wanting to come back on the course. It's interesting. I think both of those things will help your golf game immensely if you get into it. And I'd be curious how it goes for you
phil spade
@Phil · 1:45


And there are some sports that I think people kind of got together in times of covet when you couldn't actually attend the games. People were kind of doing the spade thing of just talking about it, whether that be on Twitter or whether it be on social media somewhere. They all kind of found their groove and their own people, their own kind of community. You kind of find who you want to talk to
Zara Lisbon
@ZLisbon · 2:11


Maybe you're not ready to go play with the professionals in the League or whatever, but my guess is you're very skilled at this point in life. Scott, my husband, for anyone listening to this, really doesn't like golf. He's, like, so boring. And in a way, I find watching it boring. But I've played it a little bit, and every time I play it, it's not boring at all
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Spencer Blye
@stb121 · 1:29
But yeah, I think it's just a kind of funny way to show and where the golf kind of comes off as more than just a physical sports, but definitely a mental sport
