Why Do We Collapse Over Funny & Smart Guys?"

Study shows here that females are more attracted to funny, masculines, okay? Because humor denotes a plethora of intellect and health to a potential mate. So when someone is funny, we find them attractive and we find them healthy. And we're definitely not going to be like, oh my God, he's a cuckoo guy, he's a crazy guy. Maybe cuckoo funny, but not like this crazy mentally ill type of guy. You know what I mean? No

https://s.swell.life/STelY8Bn5QGpwRY #podcast #socialmedia #science #funny #relationships #loa #marketing #technology #smart

Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:47
And for me that was unattractive because like I said, who wants to be around somebody who can't laugh a little bit? Like it's time for seriousness. Which his wasn't. Like, it wasn't the serious it's just that he was different. And I will say that I am a big fan of guys who are different than everybody else. But come on now, we need to joke, we need to play


You. Hi, thanks for responding on the funny guys. I hear you. I too. I just cannot be with guys that don't have a sense of humor, that are not going to laugh or joke about a joke that I might say or something. I think when you say something and they go cold or they don't respond or they're offended or whatever, they might be a little bit too serious on the side
