Tori Closson
@soleilnoelle · 3:55

About me

You can weed out a lot of the people that don't have the same intentions that you might have, but there are a lot of people on the dating apps that have really good intentions. So here I am and I'm going to start this next phase of my journey here on well and see how it goes. If anyone is ever interested in having more of a conversation with me or scheduling a free consultation with me to see if my
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:24

#welcome #relationships #life #advice #consulting

So I'm going to throw some hashtags in here, see if we can't get a couple of other people. It's super important to do hashtags and also you can invite people, so if you ever want to start up a conversation more abruptly, maybe more intentionally, feel free to invite me or anyone else that you meet that is keen on engaging in some responses. So until next time, cheers
