Shane Paul Neil
@shanepaulneil · 0:42

How often do you redo your Swells?

Because I had one recently where I was applying, and I think I redid it like four or five times because I wasn't quite either getting across. But when they get across or I was flooding and everything else. So I'm just curious about that

#community #speaking

Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 2:23
And that's only usually on if I'm doing, like a movie review, so I don't write a script and I'll just off the top of my head say what I want to say, and if I feel that I've lost my place, I'll just stop recording and then remember what I wanted to do and then resume recording and all that kind of stuff. So I don't have to redo swells so much at home as much as they're not as live as they may sound
Shane Paul Neil
@shanepaulneil · 0:15
Wait. You can upload swells nonnatively from your phone. Are you making the file, putting it in drive or something and then uploading it like, how does that work exactly? I didn't know that was a a thing
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 1:05
I still think it involves some sort of a need to be able to physically hook your phone to your computer, though, but it was a whole different system they were using or something, but yeah, so that's how I'm doing that. It's kind of a cheat. I don't think everybody else can do
Shane Paul Neil
@shanepaulneil · 0:16
Yeah, you just changed everything for me. I have a Zuma late in the den and mics. I'm usually the pod mic in there now as well. So you just changed the game for me. I appreciate that
Chi Anonï
@Chi_Anonymous · 2:36

I’m always give excessive context. Lol

This is my second time recording this, by the way. So I give myself two times, then I'm done because at that point I might as swell team it out and we ain't doing all that. I'm personally not going to do all that. I laugh a lot. I'm at a loss for words. More recently due to the fact that I was in a car accident. It was a horrific accident
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 1:09
Oh, one other quick note, because this is something I went through, and it may be because I'm dumb, but you have to use a TRRS Oxford. I think they're like, $8 on Amazon on or something like that. So what I was doing for the longest time I was using a TRS. And the way some guy explained it to me, he's like, think of it as receive or receive and record. Right
Shane Paul Neil
@shanepaulneil · 0:34


But, yeah, it never occurred to me to use the mixer and stuff for at the very least, when I'm doing the initial, like, swell. Yeah, I'm going to give that a run. I appreciate it
Shane Paul Neil
@shanepaulneil · 1:14


So I haven't been here on here very long, which is something I feel like I need to stop saying, but I realize it's sort of two camps to swell. They're sort of the unpolished brain is flow of thought, and they're those who, at the very least give some forethought to what they're going to say before they hit record
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 1:53
But what I was referring to and I made mention of this in Shane's post from the other day about people who when I said they don't have the ability to kind of broadcast, I'm not talking about just generalized speech crutches. I just used one right there. I mean, there have been people in the months that I've been here. There have been people that have come and gone. That literally. It becomes a daunting task to get through their swell
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:37

Some time I need many takes, now I only need one. 😄 @shanepaulneil

How often do I reduce swells? Well, I'm like a method actor in a way, or I'm kind of like a Al Pacino type of actor. I do many takes until you hear the final version, but for Brevity sake, I know I don't have that much time, so I got to do this in one take, but typically sometimes I've done at least 15 takes before I actually got what I wanted to get. So that's the fun part for me
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:44 - about pause + @SpeakingSchool

Thirdly, a few months back, we started something called Speaking School, where it goes through ten sessions of the actual voice and the movement of the voice, the glottal Fry, the larynx, what the mouth is, and it's about the anatomy of speaking. So I thought that was an interesting thing to post here as well. Great conversation
Izzy S-L
@Izzy · 3:43

I used to write scripts, now I barely ever redo

It just seemed way too scripted, and I now find myself being more comfortable with just winging it and barely pausing, barely writing down loose notes and having a rough idea of what I want to talk about, but literally just there, like the stutter, the little bit of mistakes that I make, I think make Swell unique. You can't sit there. I mean, you can if you want to, but you can't sit there and perfectly articulate every single thing that you're going to say
