Imagination: why, how, & a prompt. πŸ€ͺ🀩✨ Come play with me?

And you can decide that you're going to do a subscription fee or a pay one time fee or whatever it might be, not to mention what the app itself does for people. But think about it, if it grows into the size of something like Facebook or Instagram or any other massive platform, these things have an effect on the economy, the psychology, the sociology, et cetera, et cetera. Right? And this is why it's even more important that we do things thoughtfully and intentionally

Exercising the muscle; the stronger it gets, the easier it goes. #imagination #creativity #imaginativeplay

Because we're just practicing exercising this part of our brain, and it may need a little time yet to sort of work up that muscle before it begins to become easy and just flow. So, yes, let's see if this method works, because I've only done this with myself. We shall see. But I'm looking forward to hearing your replies
J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 3:23
And I have, on a very superficial level, come to a conclusion of perhaps I am creative. Okay, all right. Well, let me massage that a little bit and see how that shows up. And here's the thing. What I've had to remind myself several times as I listen to people that do poetry or create stories or whatever the thing is, is that it's not about how I show up in comparison to them


Often they're religious about being protected under the wing. Right. Maybe there's some that are not as well. But it sort of made me think of also, like, birds, and they protect their their young under their wings, and so, like, the the trees and their leaves being larger than normal and the Waffle House being underneath it and protecting it. Yeah. I'm intrigued to see if you pushed it


And at some time, some point, the little dog falls off or slips off the back, but then the dolphin comes back around and puts him back on his back so they can have fun just playing around in the water. The outcome of this relationship is other dogs are not afraid of the dolphin, and other dolphins are not afraid of the dog
Renee Slay
@Renee_SlayΒ Β·Β 3:39
They've got the darker on the back with the wings and the fur with white picture penguin on the front. And then their claws would be longer, of course, because they would need to grip onto trees. And then they had this fabulous long beak that's sharp as all get out. A great long tongue so that it can reach into the trees and grab out the stuff that it needs. And then the red, fluffy fox like tail and mohawk or whatever it is up there


And there's just some cuteness happening there with the ball and them sort of almost surfing, but not and almost the dolphin playing when letting the dog float, maybe, and swim by itself and then coming back and getting him or what have you. And I love how there's also this greater message that came out of it to all the dogs and all the dolphins. And yeah, it made me think of I don't know if you've run across her name's Rosie

@Renee_Slay (Oh my goodness, it WAS yesterday! πŸ˜†)

But then again, they're so lined up. Maybe it's not. And then I turned the corner, and there's, like, more. Anyway, I started taking and snapping photos, and then I put them all together and put a reel on Instagram of the woodpecker. Bang, bang, bang. Plus the photos. And then to have you talk about the woodpecker and Chihuahua, oh, my goodness. It was like blending with reality. I will not forget a poppecker
Renee Slay
@Renee_SlayΒ Β·Β 1:45


I mean oh, it's awesome. I wish you would have posted one of the pictures of the woodpeckers that you saw. I have a picture of one that I found, but it wasn't big like that one. When I was in where I grew up in Hudson, we had them big like that one I'm talking about, but they're much smaller, the ones that I've seen around here. But it would definitely be one of the big ones
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!


They would just need protection from the brambles. Maybe they just fly out of the way and then they're like not. A tank is fun though. A tank is fun. I have visions of it now. Like in the garage there's this big tank that you can get inside of and it's see through but you are completely and utterly protected. And so like the Chihuahua putt pecker thing goes inside with you
Renee Slay
@Renee_SlayΒ Β·Β 0:51


So the sexy seeking is still sometimes sexy, but it's not really them. I've gotten several of them just because I keep having conversation. And in the meantime, I'm taking their picture and I'm doing the reverse image search on it, and I'll be like, didn't you say your name was John? You got to mess with him. It's entertaining. I entertaining. Question where's your cat in all of this?


And then he wanted me to do something I can't even remember, but I was like, that makes zero sense. And I was calling him on it. And then of course, they play all emotionally wounded and really pretending still. They're called out. They're caught in their lie. Somebody had hacked his account. Anyway, it's like the same s*** all the time
Nidhin George πŸ”·
@geo_rhymesΒ Β·Β 3:07


However, not all of us are appreciative or consume the same kind of imagination or the same kind of creativity. And that was the day I embraced my creativity. I embraced my imagination for who I am, for what I am, and there was no looking back. And yes, I agree with you when you said that as you work on it, as you exercise those creative muscles, they get better. Absolutely
Renee Slay
@Renee_SlayΒ Β·Β 0:10


Oh, you'd be able to pick that kitty out. All he's got to do is open his mouth. I could see the opera singer so hard, though


Oh, my God. I'm dying. No matter what shape he takes, he just has opened his mouth and there he is, a mile away. I wonder how my neighbors have put up with him for so long
Renee πŸͺ¬
@RensLensΒ Β·Β 1:04
It? Yes. I love it. My two things were ice cream and batteries. And when I put them together, I see an illuminated ice cream cone that's energetic fluorescent. When you bite into it, there's like, a little bit of a pulsative, pulsating energy, a little bit of a buzz, and it's beautiful. It glows in the dark. Yeah, I can see it. I can see it. Thank you so much


Did you ever have Pop Rocks as a kid? Because this is the vibe I'm getting of, like, this amazingly beautiful, lit up, electric, if you will, ice cream that gives you this sort of buzz when you delve into it. Anyway, I'm all for that. I want some of that
Renee πŸͺ¬
@RensLensΒ Β·Β 0:33


It. Yes. Pop Rocks. That was the thought in my head as I was describing it. But I didn't make the connection to Pop Rocks. Consciously, but yes. Cool, vibrating Pop Rocks in a fluorescent ice cream cone. I think it could be marketable


I don't know. I'm loving every iteration of it, though. Can you imagine going to the ice cream shop? I'd like a battery ice cream, please. Or maybe we'd come up with a different name, who knows? And having this neon glowing thing in your hand from top to bottom, bottom, that is a complete experience in itself. Yes
Renee πŸͺ¬
@RensLensΒ Β·Β 0:12


Yeah. Psychotrophic. I think we could put Ben and Jerry's out of business with that idea. Now we just need to come up with a name
