Matt Cardenas
@SanedracSays · 4:45

First Swell!

They take up every minute of my day, and they irritate the h*** out of me. But I love them so much, and it's just such a fun experience being a dad, especially. I think we're in such a unique time to be a parent with things like this, with technology, and the world is just moving so fast, and you really got to be on your PS and QS to raise a kid in today's world

Introducing myself. Enjoy! #firstswell #sports #comics #books #fatherhood #goodreads #standup #comedy #nicetomeetyou #SanedracSays

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:41
Hi. Nice to meet you on here. I also love documentaries and TV and yeah, I wish I could go to the movies more, but it's hard this day and age, and especially now with all the streaming, it's just easy to watch everything from home. But I do miss going to the movies. I love the old thing of popcorn. But I'm curious what your favorite documentaries are
Matt Cardenas
@SanedracSays · 2:38


What kind of genres do you like? I tend to lean towards sports documentaries. I like a lot of 30 for thirty s. And I also like a lot of things that deal with health. Tend to be popular documentary subject in terms of eating and dieting and stuff like that. And then also I love video game documentaries. I don't actually play a lot of video games, but there's something about the documentaries in that space that just seemed to really bring out some really good storytelling
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 1:12

Wow. I didn't even know there was such a thing as a Rubik's Cube competition. That is amazing. I am definitely going to check this out. I also teach kids with autism, so this is right up my alley. Thank you so much for sharing this. I had never heard of it. I posted one that I had seen recently that my husband recommended that I watch, and it's called Free Solo, about this young guy who climbs El Capitan in Yosemite
Bill Rippe
@BoringOldGuy · 0:28
Welcome aboard, Matt. That was definitely a great first. Well, lots of things to look forward to in the upcoming days and weeks. Definitely very excited to hear your take on a lot of different things. Being a father myself. Yeah, definitely interested on some fatherhood stuff. Movies. Yep, big movie fan and definitely documentaries. So definitely make sure that you invite me to those looking for forward to hearing everything. And welcome to swell
