Samuel Penate
@samuelpenate · 1:35

Show Recommendation/ Netflix Scandal

And I wanted to know what are your thoughts about Netflix raising its prices and changing one of the biggest policies of their company about sharing your Netflix account? I know there is a lot of stories of individuals who share their Netflix account with their relatives or their significant others or friends. And I think Netflix is losing a lot of its profits because it's making it very difficult for people to, I guess, share their account. I personally do
Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:53
On the other hand, you have Disney and HBO who do their releases week by week, and it keeps that conversation alive and it keeps eyes on the show for a much longer period of time. I think that's probably why other channels have seen more success with their original content than Netflix has, at least recently. It's also pretty interesting that a lot of the most popular Netflix shows as of late Squid Game Money, Heist, to name a few, are not American made Netflix shows
Samuel Penate
@samuelpenate · 2:03
You got to be versatile when it comes to TV shows because I feel like there's a lot of content being repetitive and it gets just back and forth in so many different ways. And Netflix is just like declining those things that people are requesting. And at the same time, for subscription wise, I feel like it's just exaggerating. Why increase the price for things? And at the end of the day, you're just going to be reducing a lot of things for the services
