Kai Ruhrnalist
@Ruhrnalist · 0:42

There is a need to separate swells by language.

This. Well, here is in English obviously. But I like to sell on Jem, actually, because I am Jem. I like to Swell in German usul. And I would like to get a people selling in Jem. So sensation telling everybody what you a language is, you have to tell it to see up you com into sai your on board so zu say but there is no option to a separate atlanguage wells, you cant have a search for it. So this has to be improved

#language #German @arish @Swell @ask

Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:27


Thank you so much for feed back i've been loving listening to your wells in German to practice my listening so thank you and I just want to let you know I heart this and all mixture that our product team here is it an understand request and thank you so much for contributing to swell as we continue to grow especially in German loving all of this and please for free to keep the feed back coming
Sudha Varadarajan
@sudha · 0:22
Hier journalistischerequest iseburgt product die Birsteintel. And we will have a search feature. Available to search for all German langwedel sometime next week geberhalter on this well so that you know wenn it's ready thank you for making this request
Kai Ruhrnalist
@Ruhrnalist · 0:58

Sharing of single swells is not possible?

Also der great sets good news for the German community because quite some Germans. Now cameron over from anker which you to have also community functions, but the Amos los them so people were not so happy any more, and I as some to cam over here, which wants well in German so a good idea. But anyway to separate languages from each other. Is a good idea. Because you can have a look huessingen, her great news Burgforde. Wanted to share you. Internal. Aua. Nander?
Sudha Varadarajan
@sudha · 1:02
Er Journalistenpressefreiheitreporter that's the deeplink into my ansehe if you just want them to? Listen on the web, then a, if you share the hole conversation degen lion on the web? In an point of yonsei hope that make sense the product there is an askese specific reply on the web? Lieblingsweine request to them but that distomo can do get link share that link? The have dia dian hier specific reply
Sudha Varadarajan
@sudha · 0:46


Hier journalisten to follow up on the Strad. The Team has provided a mechanism for you, to Search for all German. Wells, if you open the Search tab, and butenland it will find you all the German langwedel in the Next release will make much better interface. And the china Interface to find it. But this should help you in the meantime ein buttington the description as well you just take this string and potentielle
