Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 5:00


And giveth life unto the Lord. Then said they unto him, Lord evermore giveth this bread. And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life. He that cometh to me shall never hunger. And he that believeth on me shall never thirst. But I said unto you that ye also have seen me and believe not. All that the father giveth me shall come to me. And him that cometh to me I will no wise cast out

A pastor that misuses scripture to condemn his fellow human. #faith #hope #works #jesus

@homosanity · 5:00
Well, exchanging your natural know if you are naturally born to something, whether it's straight or gay, and you're switching natural desires just to be retrobate and it's not your real natural desire, maybe that is bad, but even so, you have to continue on with that passage because Paul says, well, such were some of you, such were some of all of us, but we were all forgiven by God, so who are you to judge?
@homosanity · 4:28
I'm trying to embrace still and I'm doing better at it. A loving God rather than a God who's going to send me to hell. It's interesting to me that we have children and we could never imagine sending our child to hell, could we? Could we imagine putting a fire in our backyard and picking up our child?
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:16


That's what a lot of these people don't realize, is that they may have kids that are closeted homosexuals. And they are living in a state of torment. A lot of these people probably have kids that have committed suicide, and they think it's because of bullying at school or something like that, when it might have been they were fearing your rejection and your judgment. It's really dark when you think about it like that
@homosanity · 1:23


You. Homosanity from the Homo sanity show. That was a beautiful response coming from anyone. It would be a beautiful response, but also coming from a straight person who has fathers and kids and it is in ministry. It's just really impactful. And so deep behind those thoughts. I just really appreciated all that you had to say. I wish more people could hear that response and hear this swell conversation that we're having, because it's an incredible conversation
