mohamed reeyasdeen
@Reeyas · 4:24

Maturity hits when….

So before maturity, I mean, before COVID so he used to live like a. I used to live like a happy person. Like, I won't care about financial things or anything like that. I will just roam around and in schools, I won't care about anything. I just go and have fun, like, you know, the safe zone and fun kid I used to be. So why COVID-19 give me a maturity shit? Because during COVID-19 we all lived under the lockdown, right?

#swelltoday #newswell #lifestories #chatandtalk

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 1:19
And that's a great feat, for real, because, again, a lot of people don't have their priorities right. So getting it right is the first and probably the most important step
mohamed reeyasdeen
@Reeyas · 1:12


So when someone appreciate for us when we do something it really, you know gives me a immense happiness. I don't know if this is a wrong feeling or I don't know what they said exactly but I feel happy when someone says this is good or at least when someone says this is bad don't do this when someone is there. It really gives us a great feeling. So I really thank you and appreciate you for your words. Thank you