Laalithya Rama
@randomtalks01 · 2:27

South Indian foood😌😋

So yeah, this dish, okay. It's like, really amazing. I love it. And then especially when my mom would make it during my birthday, so it would make I would feel extra fancy because it's something different, and then it's something like and then it was like she used to put bisiberovad in a bowl, and then on top of that, she would put karabundi and then your authentic Indian clarified ghee. Yeah. Oh, my God. It's just amazing

#southindian #bangalore #foodie #alwaysfoodlover #bisibelebath

Kritika Saraf
@ksaraf1312 · 0:08


I also love South Indian food. In South Indian food, my favorite is Dosa and Zambia. So you are great swell
Krishna Telang
@Krishnaroxs · 0:44
Hey there, and thank you so much for sharing this amazing dish with us. I guess it's it tastes really good, and since my mom makes it so every food mom makes is amazing. It doesn't matter. It's just tasty as h***. And it's very a good combination. It's mixing up things. It's edible masala and some bird. Usually people go for sweet things at that time. Pretty interesting, I guess
