Q Levy
@Qisforgiven · 4:47

Just tired

That you're a man even more of a man if you cry, you know what I'm saying? It depends what it is. But even more, that takes strength and fortitude to cry and to just be open about stuff that, look, I'm not good right now

#blackmen #mentalhealth

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:40
So, but all I was saying is there's a USC fighter who recently won, and I think he was Scottish, and he pretty much said that one of his buddies passed away because of suicide and how men just don't have the outlet like a lot of women do. We're not always encouraged to go out and have those boys nights or whatever kind of like girls do or whatever. But nonetheless, I just want to say I appreciate you being there for him and bringing light to the subject
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:32


They can find out that you're talking. They can become part of it. It takes three or four voices to create a powerful group of people, and then that gets amplified, and all of a sudden you have a heart trust, a brain trust between all of you, and there's nothing more powerful. It's amazing. I'm encouraging you because I feel your friend's pain so much. The isolation, the shame and the frustration, and also the absolute fatigue that you speak of
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Khalid Hanif
@theElvnth_Our · 1:10
But I just want to encourage you to continue to be the shining light, an example of blackmail humanity. And it's a non honored to know that brothers like you exist. And yeah, man. Blessings to you and be well and continue to send you, sir
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 0:20
Well, I had a recording glitch. I don't know what happened. I think it's still having a glitch because my bar is not moving. I just wanted to say because I don't really want to repeat everything I so eloquently said and then it didn't capture it for whatever reason. But I'm glad that you were able to be be there for that person
