Nidhi Tripathi
@purujitshashwat · 5:00

The power of Manifestation …Whatever we are thinking that happens to us ……so we need to think positive of ourself

So the story of Maya and the power of manifestation. Became a beacon of hope and inspiration. Of all who cross her path. So from her journey, they found undeniable truth. That whatever one thinks truly had the power of manifestation in their lives. So this is the power of manifestation. If the people think positive will get the positive. And so we do not need to keep negative things in mind. We need to to remove from our lives. Like only thinking positive way

# positive thinking # Be positive # purujithshashwat # Power of Manifestation

@Qyra · 3:13
It is something of which we can't stop thinking. And it is about a dream which Mr. Abdul Kalam Azad have said that the dreams are those which doesn't allow you to sleep. So these are few of the things in our life which doesn't allow us to sleep and wherein we keep imagining, we keep pursuing, we keep persisting. So when we want something with so much heart and soul, somehow we also start putting a lot of effort into it. We believe in that goal
