Priya Mandhal
@Prriya_3184 · 3:20

Never give up!!!!

Second, you will keep on practicing and practicing till the time you become a famous cricketer like Ms. Tony. If you are really determined about it. So both these options will have different consequences. It depends upon you what result you want. One will left you as a failure and another one will make you to succeed something in your life. And remember, quitting up is never an option or a solution to your problems

#Collegevoiceindia. "A winner never quits and a quitter never wins"

@Raunak · 1:17

#collegevoiceindia #swellcast

Adding to our amazing thoughts, I would like to add that even you are not able to win at least give it a try and even if you're not succeeding, don't give up. You have presented a beautiful example of Thomas Alvaidison and who knows that when you gave up, you were actually at the last step of becoming successful or achieving your goal or even if you wouldn't have given up, you would have won
Aastha Sharma
@aasthasharma · 1:23


Hey Priya, thank you so much for putting light on such an important topic. As we know today's world is full of lot of pressures and competitions where each one of us wants to achieve a dream goal and we face a lot of challenges and struggles in order to fulfill those goals. This journey is definitely not easy. We have to be focused throughout it. But sometimes things just take a wrong turn and we tend to lose our way in spite of giving everything to it
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Priya Mandhal
@Prriya_3184 · 1:57
I was so indulged in preparing for this subject, I did not spare much time for myself not going out for playing some other activities or not taking break in between. So the overdose of hard work leads to an opposite result. So according to me, my advice would be to all those people who think that they are giving 100% but still the result is not satisfactory to them
Priya Mandhal
@Prriya_3184 · 0:24
Thank you very much ASA for sharing your views on this topic. I totally agree with you that giving up is never a way to get out of your problems. We should keep on trying and trying and should never give up because one day will come when swell be on top of this world with our success. And again, thank you very much for appreciating my swear. Thank you
