Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 3:32

Mental Monday’s: Do you have the courage to escape?

So whatever answer you come to or if you come to no answer, don't judge yourself. Don't be hard on yourself. But, you know, do ask the question, right. So I'm PK this is Mental Mondays. That was pretty mental for me. I'm out have a wonderful day

#gettingmental #mentalmondays #mentalmonday #courage #youhavepower

Ophelia Johnson
@LadyO · 1:49

I am a true escape artist

I actually thought about my job, and I thought to myself, Do I have the courage to escape something that I am so over? And the answer to that is, yes. You know, that's why I went through the training to be a life coach. That's why I'm on my way to trying to work towards getting my master's degree in conflict resolution with an emphasis on therapy because I want to escape the things that don't make me happy anymore
Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 1:14

You shift the air my Sis ☀️ @LadyO

You come into a room, the air would shift. So even if you didn't answer, I already knew you did. And you do. And you continue to. So thank you for jumping on as well. Thank you for your brilliance and can't wait to hear everything that's inside your head. Bless us, please. And have an amazing day on Tuesday. Sorry, Tuesday for you, but you're sleeping and I'll talk to you soon. Peace
