Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 4:36

Mental Monday’s: Getting Freer

I would say for me it's pretty life changing and that's what I want to give you today. I mean that's what I want to give you from young Pueblo. Not mind to give, but I'm just sharing it and throwing it out there. Considering our relationships. Considering our engagement. Considering all these things. Making deep connections, not attachments, right? We don't own people, people don't own us

#iampk #yungpueblo #connectionsoverattachments #getfree

@PKBriggs "Letting Go of Dense Things." 🧘🏽‍♂️💭❤️🙏🏽💯🌊♓️

But because it's a deeper connection, we don't have such a personal only investment now it's more of a collective investment you're trying to seek, like hold truth, for example, looking back at a trauma of mine and then saying, well, I was hurt and only focusing on me versus letting go of that physical
