Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 2:49

Forecast Wednesday’s: Make meaning.

And I don't know if it's because for me, my faith context sort of defines the meaning that I make out of what seemingly are everyday occurrences or extraordinary things that happen or terrible things that happen. And I think it's also human nature. Somebody may have said this a psychologist, psychiatrist, some kind of evolutionist. I don't know that we is a part of our human makeup to make meaning of things like we have to make meaning of things

#youcan #youare #iam #forecastwednesdays #iampk

Jared Bogda
@JCB07 · 1:46
Hi PK. Thanks for sharing this. This is really breaking up our week with regards to what's going on in the world as well as what's going on locally and even inside of our homes. And I think with this midweek during the holiday of Acean, it's really tough to reflect and look at some of the positives as well as some of the negatives on both sides
Jessica McMillan
@JLMcMillan · 2:33


Similarly, I left a lot of stress behind last week, and the way the holidays fell this year, I feel was also a blessing because we have this downtime. We had a couple of extra stats, a lot of us myself having this week off and just having extra time to listen to you all. So what I really love about this post is how you ask us to be bold, because making meaning to me is actually our responsibility
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 1:40

Beautiful examples @JLMcMillan

Hello, Jessica. Thank you so much as always for responding to this well. And thank you for this. That added beautiful perspective with those examples. And I really do like the meteor one. Like you said, this is our way of making life manageable. And so what if it sounds corny if this is getting you through the day with a smile and the ability to just keep on going. So I really appreciate you jumping on this well. And it is four degree
Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 1:52

Good points @JCB07

They were like, you know, sometimes just getting out of bed is the accomplishment. Like, that is huge, depending on your circumstances of where you are and even in the midst of COVID, which to your absolute point, is very difficult to see something in this because every other day you're learning something that is increasing your anxiety. But also, I've noticed a lot of people have left their jobs, pursued something that they always wanted to do. People just got deep with life in themselves
