Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 1:21

Own the Pivot!

Good day. Good day. Good afternoon. Good afternoon, friends. You know, I was just listening to, like, a positive sort of meditation from my cousin, who is a very inspirational guy. He he's starting his own T shirt line. Just a good guy, good human. And I was reminded of this idea of pivoting and changing and how we have to own the pivot. Right? We have to own our pivot

#pivot #ownit #youarestrong

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:03
I was also thinking out loud to myself, which I do meaning I think out loud when I'm with myself, which is probably a problem. But I was thinking about this nascent, beautiful space. We're in this Sweller where we are laying down the foundation for incredible awareness of what it means to be human, all the different aspects of supporting ourselves, supporting others
