J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 5:00

Dealing with anger

Dealing with anger. Alrighty, let's see. I have been struggling with my anger for about 15 years. Yeah, 15 years. My anger is very sporadic, which makes it very hard to dial down. It kind of correlates with triggers and past emotional scenes that well, yeah, but dealing with anger dealing with anger is a tough one. I show it with it. I still do in many ways

#jmoor #anger #selflove #selfcompassion

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:57
And that is useful, very useful. So thanks for this incredible swell. And it was just so beautiful, the music, everything, man. So, so good. Really appreciate the attention you put into this. I feel it definitely lights me up. So thanks. Glad I could commit or contribute to a little bit of dialogue here. Hopefully it made sense and didn't seem too out there, but so much love, man
Enrique irby
@wandering_RiQ · 0:16


How would you respond if someone told you that anger and love were the same emotion? But if how you responded that count
Enrique irby
@wandering_RiQ · 3:08


I just wonder if you've looked at the other end of the spectrum of how to emotionally deal with those things so that you can respond differently. Just the question I have here today. A long time ago, I used to be not in the same mindset as you, but kind of where anger held on to me for a long time because I didn't know how to disperse it, I didn't know how to relieve myself of it
J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 4:38


And in order for this muscle to stay strong and work whenever we want it to and how we want it to, we have to practice. So I actually look forward to those moments, because it's just another time where I get to use my tools to beat that anger again. And, yeah, I look forward to having a dialect with you as well. I really enjoyed everything you said. And good morning. I don't know if it's morning time where you are
J Moor
@Phase_Reality · 2:28


It seems as if the person or thing or whatever, whatever entity or force that judges your response gets to kind of tell you whether you acted out of anger or love. And I wouldn't agree with that. Or we can also go on in a more sense of anger and love, same emotion. That all emotions are the same emotions
