Nya Story
@NyaStory · 3:50

Impromptu! Explaining Relativity to Greta Garbo...

article image placeholderImpromptu!™ | A Swell game of made-up prompts
Did you invite me, or am I a seat filler? I think I may be a seat filler, but either way, I'm so elated to be here. Thank you so much. You're awesome. You're awesome. Did I say that you're awesome? Yes. Is there anything else that you would like to know about? Relativity just acts away. Einstein's special relativity work is that that time moves relativity to the observer. It's really up to you

#ImpromptuGame #sspgimpp9 https://s.swell.life/SUCJtLQHhZFDDrR #CreativePrompt
