Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 3:05

Happy national coming out day!

It seems it happens when we go to a new job and we're handed in equality form or when we meet somebody and we have to correct our pronouns or when we correct somebody when they refer to our partner as the opposite gender. These are just a few examples. I often say that coming out shouldn't be a thing. Straight

#comingout #Pride #LGBTQIA

Sontaia Briggs
@PKBriggs · 0:54

Thank you so much! @NLOFrank

Hey, Tasha. Good day there. Thank you as always, for your very honest, authentic and compassionate swells. This is good. I appreciate this. It's coming out very much more articulated and comported through my own, but I like to make very good sound points. The dangers of coming out and coming out is not always a celebratory thing the way it's sort of marketed worldwide, and there are real consequences and benefits as well. I guess, to coming out
Tasha Frank
@NLOFrank · 0:38


I think we are far from that place although we've got a long way to go we have coming long way so hopefully we will get there so have a good rest of your day
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:43
Happy, Happy, Happy National Coming Out Day really appreciate what you both had to say. And it was a reminder for me that part of taking care of myself is not always feeling like I need to come out or explain or clarify to people when I don't have the energy or don't feel safe. I don't feel like it. And also it reminded me that there is something so loving about people asking and inquiring and showing curiosity rather than assuming
